Over 25 Years Of Expertise In The Cleanup, Treatment And Disposal Of Animal Waste In All Of Southern Ohio, Including Cincinnati, Columbus, Dayton And The Surrounding Areas.
Animal waste, including bird and rodent droppings, is both unsightly and dangerous, with the chance of it seriously affecting your health and well-being? The animal waste cleanup services provided by Steri-Clean® Cincinnati are trusted in homes and businesses across all of Southern Ohio, including Cincinnati, Columbus, Dayton, and the surrounding areas.
Whether it is our beloved pets, or uninvited and unwanted rodents or pests, their waste in the home or workplace, can be hosts for a variety of harmful viruses, bacteria, and diseases. The full impact of health concerns caused by animal waste in the home or business is not always apparent to the naked eye.
Over time, animal, rodent, and pest waste can seep down and penetrate deep into the structure and pose serious health and environmental dangers. The hazards that animals, rodents, and pests leave behind contain bacteria and disease-causing organisms which are toxic both to you and the ones who share the space with you, including other pets and animals.
This hazardous waste can often make its way into the subfloor, drywall, concrete, and more. Did you know that rodents and birds can cause damage to HVAC systems, spreading the dangerous bacteria and microorganisms left in attics and crawl spaces? Most of the time you may not even be aware they have done so, until well after the damage is done.
In order to fully identify and remediate hazardous animal, rodent, and pest waste contamination, proper precautions must be taken to both ensure your health and well-being and that of our skilled technicians. Without the use of proper tools, equipment and safety standards, attempting to clean, remove or even disturb the waste can cause these hazards to become airborne, further spreading bacteria, and microorganisms that can cause serious diseases.
At Steri-Clean® Cincinnati, we only use a certified industrial HEPA vacuum and filter system when removing gross animal, rodent, and pest waste and contaminated dust to ensure that absolutely no hazardous material becomes airborne. Steri-Clean® Cincinnati provides extensive cleanup services for your home or business, so that can help you get back to breathing, living, or working in a healthy, clean, and safe environment.
At Steri-Clean® Cincinnati, we know that having someone in your home can sometimes make you feel uncomfortable, but we're here to help and to make you as comfortable as possible every step of the way. Our friendly and professional technicians are trained to work WITH the customer. Your comfort and safety are important so we will never enter any area, move any belongings, or remove any material without your consent. You will be with us every step of the way as we make YOUR home or business a SAFE and HEALTHY environment, once again.
We Are Southern Ohio's Trusted Experts In Rodent, Animal, Pigeon and Pest Waste Cleanup. We service all of Southern Ohio, including Cincinnati, Columbus, Dayton and surrounding areas.
Call Steri-Clean® Cincinnati Today!
Our call center is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Restoring Homes and Lives®